Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh my goodness behind!

Well, I am severely behind on the times right now. Things have been so crazy busy for us (me in particular) the last few weeks since my surgery that I haven't even had time to sit down and write! Lots of great things happening, some stressful, and a few frustrating (terrible twos!), but all in all, we are doing great. I had a fabulous 30th birthday, and yes, I am actually very excited about this new stage in life! I had three fabulous Valentine's this year, thank you very much. And I am in the throws of planning for our upcoming CF Auction, to be held on May 14th.
If you were to ask me today how I was feeling about this special age (of the boys, not me :) ), I would probably have to tear my hair out, but I am sure that tomorrow will be much better. It always is right?
I truly do love my boys, and do love this age for lots of reasons. They are getting to be so humorous, and absolutely LOVE when they realize that they have said something funny. They have the cutest little facial expressions, want us to "watch!" them all the time at whatever activity they are accomplishing, talk in their sleep occasionally (hilarious!), and are singing up a storm. Both have a fascination with music, and just seem to have an inherent love for it. I have been told that every week in nursery at church, they are in the front of the pack for singing time. Some of their favorites right now:
Give Said the Little Stream
The Wise Man and the Foolish Man
Twinkle Little Star

Some other favorites at the moment:
Story time before nap and bed
Brushing their teeth by themselves
Doing anything that resembles "big boy" behavior, including using their Lightening McQueen shaving kits and wearing Daddy's cologne
Fruits and veggies (they will always eat those before ANY bread or meat! Where did these boys come from?)
Still in love with Veggie Tales, but now also very into Sid the Science Kid in the morning while Mommy gets ready
I love my family. We have so much fun together (when we are not talking about keeping our hands to ourselves and not yelling at our sibling!). :) We are so excited for the sunshine and upcoming spring and summer when we can get out of the house and go play as much tennis and baseball possible!

Making forts with Daddy

Journeying on the ferry to visit Papa Christensen

Shaving like Daddy

Visiting our buddies in Selah

Showing off our big muscles!


Karine said...

Love this post! It is a beautiful glipmse into your life at this moment.
I agree that the 2 stage does come with its ups and downs. As for me, I no longer call it the terrible 2's, but I call it the Terrific Two's! I think giving it this title helps me to not look at it as such a trial, but a fun adventure!
I love the picutre of the serious "dog pile" on our trampoline. I adore that our children get along so well. We are truly blessed!
Love ya twinner!

Kim said...

You sure have been busy! I just can't get enough of these little guys! Their singing is precious! Have you ever recorded them singing to whip out 17 years from now?

Coleman Family said...

Yep, 2's are difficult. But 3's? Since Hallie's turned 3 she's got the biggest attitude! Ya love 'em, but...they try you sometimes, right? I just tell her, "it's a good thing you're cute." The boys are getting so big! Thank goodness for the good days after those trying ones!