Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cystic Fibrosis Walk 2011

CF Walk, Snoqualmie 2011

Go Team Jolene!!!!!

This year our walk was a small but successful one. We knew it was going to be a bit of an off year, so it wasn't a surprise when there weren't as many teams there this year as last. However, we still had a good turnout for Team Jolene and raised some much needed funds in only a few weeks. Thank you to everyone who contributed!!!! I truly appreciate it SO very much!

My wonderful friend Lindsay spent the night and then came to the walk early to help me and the rest of the CF team. She is always so supportive of me and the team, and I just love her so much. My mom also attended this year which was really really fun. The three of us took pictures, and had a girl walk with little Miss Emery with us. She is always so supportive of me as well, and I love her! I have such wonderful friends and family, I sure am a lucky girl.

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is an amazing non-profit foundation and I feel very blessed to work with them. I also appreciate all they are doing to cure CF. And just from the Snoqualmie walk we raised over $18,000!!

We miss and love you Jolene! I hope you are proud of us!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

CF was in the mix of possibilities for Kira. We haven't done the sweat test for it, though. I think that since she's grown 4 inches in 4 months that it's no longer on the radar.