Thursday, December 20, 2007

6 months old!

Hi everyone! I am so sorry that it has taken a while to post....we have been so busy with sleep training, appointments, holiday cheer, that I haven't had much time to even get to the computer. We have had a wonderful, and challenging few weeks. The boys are getting a little better with their sleep everyday. Which is a huge blessing to their parents, because we are almost to that breakdown point. :) I don't think that I ever realized how tremendously hard everything seems to get when you are sleep deprived. I don't know how moms with more then two infants do it.....yikes! Teage and I are trying to keep our heads, and spirits up, and praying that things get a little better each day.

The boys had their six month checkups this week as well, and I am happy to report that they are right on track with height, weight, and all the skills that come along with this age. Lucas now weights 15lbs 11oz and Dylan is not far behind at 15lbs 9oz. I am so thankful for how much these boys love to eat!! :) We are now starting them on baby food (mmmm.....squash!), and are excited to watch them discover new tastes along the way. Both are also rolling all over the floor, trying to get to their favorite toys, and actually beginning to scoot a bit as well......I am so worried!! :) Their favorite thing is to go upside down, or "fly" around the room.

Teage is doing well with his job, and loves his office and all of his co-workers. He is still working for Washington Mutual, and thankfully was not effected by the layoffs of last week. But, thank you to all of you who were concerned for us.

I am doing well also, just trying to adjust to motherhood on not much sleep. :) Thankfully I still have a ton of help in my mom and stemom, coming over to help all the time. The boys love them, and I am so greatful for all of their help and support. I couldn't do it without them! I do have my knee surgery scheduled for the beginning of the year, so I will update you all when that occurs. I am not too worried about it, but the recovery time could be a little brutal with two little ones!

We also want to wish everyone a wonderful and blessed Christmas this year. We are so thankful for all of our friends and family in our lives, and love this time of year when we get to think about, and celebrate, the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. He is the reason! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!!

Our little family at the Christmas tree farm in North Bend....we had so much fun picking out our tree!

Daddy and Dylan getting ready to chop!

The finished product!

Lucas trying to eat his stocking.....yuck bud! :)


Unknown said...

I know how hard it is to sleep train babies. I can't imagine doing that with two little ones. You are a trooper! That's so awesome that they are doing so well. It's so scary how fast kids grow up. Before you know they'll be walking and always on the go! Hope you guys continue to have a wonderful holiday season. Take care and a Merry Christmas!!

Karine said...

You are the eternal optimist, and that is why I adore you! Sleep training will pay off soon!
Love ya twinner!

Bailey Bunch said...

Such cute pictures! I am so glad that you guys are happy. We are always close by if you need us to watch the boys so you can nap!:) Love ya!