Sunday, April 26, 2009

Road Trip?

Teage and I had a minute of temporary insanity and decided to drive all the way down to Utah to visit some family and go to General Conference. The visiting family and General Conference was wonderful....the driving down part, not so wonderful. The boys really haven't slept anywhere besides their own cribs or a port-o-crib since they have been born, so this sleeping-in-the-car-so-mom-and-dad-could-drive-through-the-night-thing didn't work out so well. They were basically up every other hour, if not every hour, and so confused about why their horrible parents were making them stay in their seats for such a long period of time. :) Once we got down there though, we ended up having a blast. We visited Teage's sister Tawna and her family, and brother Brook (we miss you guys!!!), his grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins....there were so many that we hadn't even seen since the boys have been born. It was so wonderful to catch up with everyone. Teage and I also had the amazing opportunity to go to two sessions of General Conference, the Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon sessions. We had fantastic tickets thanks to some wonderful friends of ours, and were sitting only about 20 feet from the front of the Conference Center. What an wonderful experience for us! We even think that President Uchtdorf waved right at us! :) AND, we randomly ran into Teage's old mission president and his wife, which was such an amazing coincidence.
Overall we had a fantastic trip, minus a few toddler breakdowns in the car. We made it to and from safely and were able to spend some wonderful time with Teage's family. First family road trip, check!

We also got to stop by Portage, a tiny little town in Utah where my grandparents lived and where I went every summer growing up. I have so many wonderful memories of this little town. We got to see my grandparent's old house, and visit their grave sites and say hello as well. It felt wonderful to be there, even just for a little while. That second picture is Dylan putting a flower on Grandma and Grandpa's grave. So sweet.

The boys in their swim outfits, loving our hotel room a little too much. They were bouncing on the bed like mad men! They had never been in a hotel room before, so this was a brand new experience for them. :) Unfortunatley, as cute as they looked in their swim outfits, we didn't actually get to use them much. The boys took one look at that pool and started balling!

Our family with Teage's 96 year old grandmother, who is the sweetest woman in the world. She is also an identical twin, so she was so excited to finally meet the boys!

The top picture is adorable Miss Maiya. Then Kiana with Dylan, and Tawna with Lucas (trying to comfort him after the last picture of all the cousins jumping up and down on Daddy). :) And that wasn't even half the cousins that were there!

Teage and I in our seats at the Conference Center!

Thanks everyone for such a wonderful trip! We love you guys!


Peter and Lesha said...

How fun Erin, you two are very brave, I think I have a hard time driving to Seattle with Carson, I can't imagine Utah. I am sure it was nice to see family though and I am sure they all loved your boys, they are just too sweet. We need to plan a day together to get us down there! we would love to see you guys and it is finally getting nicer weather out:)

Suzanne said...

That was definetly brave of you to drive to Utah. We did that last summer, it's worth it, but it's sure a LONG car ride! I'm glad you guys had such a good time! Isn't the conference center amazing!? We only got to take a tour, but WOW! :O)

Katidid said...

We made that killer drive, last October and we know how fun--its not for the kids :) Glad you had a good visit once you made your distination though. Take Care,

Bridget said...

I'm so glad you survived the ride. We went to Calgary and Southern Utah and the boys (Graeden and Elliott) did fine...then just when we thought they could do this we went to Calgary again (4 boys this time) and it was MISERABLE. Yeah, so much for sleeping through the night while we drove! It wasn't even like it was Jett and Evan acting was Graeden and Elliott...especially Elliott. He was hollering all night long that he wanted me to come and hold him. We were just so exhausted.

But look at bags under your eyes or anything. Way to go!

Sarah said...

Road trips with kids are not fun, but I'm glad the trip was worth it!

Bailey Bunch said...

I am glad you guys had such a great time on your trip. That is awesome how close you got to sit at conference.:) The picture of you and Teage is a cute one!