Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Christensens invade Ocean Shores

A few weeks ago we went to Ocean Shores with my step-dad's family for a family reunion. Teage and I were extremely excited about this because the boys had never seen the ocean before, or even been on sand, so it was going to be a fun first for us! :) We were a little worried about cramming into one hotel room with my mom and step-dad (worried for them more then us!), but we ended up having such a fantastic time! The first day we arrived we went straight to the beach for the boys. And boy did they have fun. Normally my little men are pretty timid in new situations, but they just went for it! They were playing in the water, running away from waves, trying to skip rocks like Poppi, and just having a blast! I was so thankful that they had such a great time, because for us, it was priceless!
The next day we were able to get together with the whole family for a lunch on the beach, and catch up with everyone. It was so fun to see them all again, as many we had not seen since our wedding over 5 years ago. My aunt and uncle live in Ocean Shores, so they hosted our big family dinner that night as well. We ate our hearts out, took some family reunion pictures, had fun watching the boys chase the dogs (at my horror....thinking they were going to knock down all of the beautiful decor in the house!), and laughed for hours. The boys were the only grand kids in the family so far, so it was wonderful to see everyone else interacting with them and having a lot of silly fun.
The weekend was a short, but great one overall. We are so excited to see the Engbretson family more often, and definitely have more priceless memories at the beach with the boys!

Walking up to the beach with Poppi

Tutu showing Lucas his first shell

Standing by their names in the sand....they didn't quite get why Daddy was doing this. :)

Dylan and Poppi running from the waves!

And Lucas and Daddy running from the waves.

Our first family beach picture! You will probably see this one on the Christmas card this year. :)

The whole Engbretson family at the reunion

Me and my brother, Christopher. We always call him "Toph" so the boys have taken to calling him "Uncle Toph" is pretty darn cute actually.


Peter and Lesha said...

I love Ocean shores, how fun so glad your boys liked the sand, Carson not so much :) kind of a preppy kid I guess he doesn't like to be dirty. love your family beach picture!!

Karine said...

I would have loved to see the twins on the beach for the first time! What a complete blast. You got some amazing shots, thats a shocker!lol! I am so jealous of your photog talent!
Love ya twinners!

Sarady said...

That family picture of you guys and the boys is so cute!

I went to Ocean Shores a long, long time ago. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. I'm glad you guys had such a great time.
