Thursday, May 6, 2010

A month of firsts....

The boys and I have had a lot of fun lately...I absolutely love seeing them try or see new things for the first time. They get so excited to show me what they have learned, I love it! And with the summer coming up, I am also excited to be outdoors more often, experiencing and learning new things everyday!
A few weeks ago we started the boys' very first swim lessons. Honestly, I was pretty nervous about this step for the boys. But, I really wanted them to learn for themselves, so I needed to put some trust in the professionals. :) Both boys were also pretty nervous at the beginning, even with me and Tutu in the water with them. But they soon figured out that swimming in a pool twice a week was a lot of fun! They have come so far already, and love to talk about how they "kick kick kick" and do the "starfish". These pictures of the boys were on the first day of swim lesson....they LOVE their Buzz swimsuits.

Then just a week or so ago we found some super great deal tickets for the Mariner game and decided at the last minute to go with the boys. Since they were so last minute, we had FABULOUS seats from season ticket holders that couldn't attend. We had SO much fun! Not only did the boys get to high five the Mariner Moose again ("I high five the moose!), but we also got up on the jumbo tron AGAIN as well! These boys are good luck charms! It was so much that point Lucas was so tired that he pretty much was sleeping on my shoulder, but Dylan was still dancing around on Teage's lap the whole time we were on the screen. Even though both boys were exhausted by the end of the game, they had such a great time and were talking about it for days afterwards. We are hoping many more Mariner games are in our future!


Karine said...

Those are some great firsts! Don't you just love witnessing the world through their eyes? It makes you look at life in a whole new light!

Kim said...

Fun times!! It's so cute to see them get all excited about things!



Simon Tribe -ooh ha haa said...

SUUUUUPER COOL!!! I love that picture of you and the boys in their M's shirts! TOO CUTE! You are beautiful and they are such handsome little men! What a good momma you are... they are such good boys, so sweet and well-mannered for their age! I just love you guys! :-)

Peter and Lesha said...

isn't it neat how fun things are again when you do it with kids:) they are too cute, you have to come up this summer and go swimming with us:) they are so sweet

Coleman Family said...

I loved it when the girls starting getting a little older so we can actually go DO things together! And good job getting on the jumbo tron - I'm sure the boys were thrilled!