My little man Dylan is such a comedian right now. He never fails to crack me up, even when he is trying to be difficult. :) I feel like the minute he turned three he felt like he had a free pass to just talk talk talk talk talk all the time! But, I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I love to hear his sweet little voice, asking me every question under the sun, and why mommy? all the time. He loves to chat about his day and his accomplishments, says "look at me!" constantly if I am not paying close enough attention to his latest project or feat. He also has so many funny questions or sayings, I feel like I am always having to write something down so I don't forget his cute personality! For example, there is a game on my phone that he loves to play and it uses numbers to help them draw a picture. One of the pictures is a ukulele, and every time it comes up he asks me, "Mom, is this a looky-lady???" Hilarious!!! I have to try not to laugh every time. :) I just love this little man!! And yes, he really did fall asleep in this was so sweet!
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