June 26th 2007 - Our boys were born! At 9:25 and 9:26am, Lucas Akualeialoha and Dylan Malulani Christensen came into the world. Both boys were healthy as can be, and we had no compliacations with the birth at all. Dylan came out first, and weighed 4 pounds 12 oz and was 18 inches long. Then came Lucas a minute later, weighing in at 5 pounds 3 oz and was 18.75 inches long. Being so small, Teage and I were a little worried that the boys would have to spend some time in the NICU. Dylan did have to spend a few hours....he was breathing too rapidly, and they had to monitor him for a while. But, other then that, both boys were totally healthy and were able to stay in the room with Teage and I until we all went home together on Friday the 29th. This was one of the first pictures taken of the boys together after the birth.

After Friday, Teage and I had to adjust to having two infants needing our attention all the time, and not getting much sleep. :) We have been doing ok so far, learning a lot as we go, but having fun with our two new babies. They both have such sweet dispositions, and are just precious to us. Here is a picture of the two of them on their first night home.

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