Saturday, October 27, 2007

4 Months Old!

The boys had their four month check-up this week....I can't believe that they are already that old! The days go by so quickly, yet so slowly at the same time. :) Both boys are healthy again, thank goodness, and their check-up was wonderful. They are right on track in terms of development, and they are still gaining weight like crazy. At their appointment, Dylan weighed 13lbs even, and Lucas was 13lbs 1oz. That puts them in the 25th percentile for weight, which is slightly higher then they were last time. So, they are doing really well! The only bad part about the appointment was that they had to get their 4 month shots, which was a horrible ordeal. Both boys were so traumatized by the whole thing that they were clinging to me the next few days. They were really sensitive to every little noise, or even if we were holding them "incorrectly". But, they seem to have gotten over the worst of it now, and it is mostly forgotten. :) We are so thankful for how these boys are growing and progressing. Both are smiling and laughing all the time, and would much rather hang out with everyone instead of go to bed! :) Lucas even started reaching out and grabbing toys the other day....big step!!

Me with my big growing boys!

What are you doing up there brother??


manders said...

Wow I can't believe they are 4 mos already. Glad the appt went well. Shots are so traumatizing I think it was harder on me than on Maddie. Great job with them they are adorable...

Bailey Bunch said...

I heart them! They are the cutest!:)

Karine said...

There Auntie Kawine couldn't be prouder! They are perfect!