Friday, February 15, 2008

Teage's 30th Birthday

Last week we threw a surprise party for Teage for his big 3-0!!! And, the best part, we actually pulled off the surprise!!! :) Thank you to everyone who helped me with food, preperations, etc. I really appreciate it!
So, the day of Teage' s birthday, I came to his office and took him out to dinner. That way, he would think this was the extent of the birthday celebration. We went to our favorite sushi restaurant, sushi land, and stuffed ourselves silly! The chefs that work there know us pretty well (Teage loves to speak Spanish to them), so they made some "special" dishes for him for his bday. We had a great time! Then, we drove home to a house full of guests, and a big surprise! Teage didn't even notice all of the cars out front, and came in with a very confused look on his face when he saw all of the people who came to wish him a happy birthday. I was so excited that we actually pulled it off! We had a wonderful night with family, friends, food, and lots of lively conversation. And most importantly, Teage had a great time!! :) Happy Birthday Baby!!!

Teage blowing out his candles.

Happy Birthday Teage!

I love my baby!


Karine said...

Hooray, for pullin off the surprise Reesers! And congrats Teagers on being one year older and WISER too!! Wish we could have been there, but the dang Mtn Pass wasn't having it!
I love the pic of you and Teage! Could you be any hotter?? What a hottie-boom-balottie (come on, you knew I was going to say it!)
Love ya!
PS we did the same cake for Doug's 30th bday a month ago! Great minds think alike!

Unknown said...

Happy late birthday Teage! Glad you guys had a great time. If we ever get back to Washington, we'll have to get together and have sushi. No one here likes it. You guys are so cute together!!!

Casey said...

Wish we could have been there, but I'm so glad we had this baby early instead. We miss seeing you guys. We'll have to get together soon. Happy Late Birthday Teage! I'm so glad the surprise worked out, it is so fun to throw surprise parties. Love you guys.

Leesee Girlyfield said...

Happy Birthday, Teage! Your dad told me that you have a blog so I thought I'd check it out. You have a beautiful family. Those little boys are adorable! I'm sure they are a handful, but it looks like you guys have a lot of fun with them. It is so fun seeing all these pictures of your twins. Hopefully I will be able to meet them sometime soon. -Alisa

manders said...

Very proud of you girl for pulling it off. I could have never done it congrats! It was a lot of fun and great food as well. You looked way cute.

Bailey Bunch said...

It was fun celebrating with you guys!:) Happy Birthday to Erin on Thursday!:)