Monday, May 12, 2008

4 Years!

Last week, Teage and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary. Thinking back, I still can't believe that it has been that long, but then, it really has gone by so quickly. Since we have two little rascals crawling around, we can't really go out for longer then a few hours. So, we decided to go to dinner after the boys were asleep at one of our favorite places...The Crab Pot! If you haven't been there, let me explain...The Crab Pot is a beautiful magical land where you have your food served to you on a slab of butcher paper in the middle of the table, the only utensils you are allowed to use are a mallot and your hands, and getting messy is the name of the game. They have a lovely array of crab, salmon, shrimp, and other yummy seafood, so of course this is a wonderful place for people like Teage and myself who can never get enough! We had a great time, and it was wonderful to sit and talk about our memories over the past four years. Love you baby!

Teage accidently wore his ankle socks! Love it!

Can you tell that I am excited about this?!

Teage chowing down, and loving every minute!


Kim said...

Haha! I love this, especially the socks Teagers! Looks like you guys has a blast! Four years! That's crazy!! CONGRATS! I miss the 202K days sooo much but I love watching your little family grown too! You guys are the best! Love ya!

Amy and Nathan said...

Congrats! I can't believe it's been 4 years! You guys look so great, so in love and very blessed with 2 hansome boys. I can only hope that I will have a marriage so wonderful as yours!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on four years! It's amazing how fast time flies by! You guys are so cute! Here's to another wonderful year together!!

Bailey Bunch said...

Happy Anniversary Guys!:) We love you!

Compass Painting said...

Oh, the blessed Crab Pot! This is one of my FAVS as well. I am glad you had some time with just eachother.
Love ya ooodles!

Johnny and Eirian said...

Wow- four years already?? Congrats!

The Brown's said...


Last night as so fun...I haven't ever gotten to do that kind of thing with you guys and I liked it. Let me know what your email address is so that I can give you access to my blog again. Sorry you got knocked off! :)
