Monday, May 26, 2008

Boys boys boys

So, I realized that I hadn't put some updated pictures, or stories, of the boys in a little here goes!
They are both learning so much everyday, it really is a miracle to watch them as they grow. Lately, Dylan has been very interested in how to sound out certain words, and watches our mouths with complete attention as we are showing him examples. He surprised us all the other day when all of a sudden said "All done" out of the blue! I hadn't realized that I said that word very much, but apparantley I do! I have been trying to teach them some sign language, and that is one of the words, along with "more", that I use quite a bit. So now it is one of Teage and my favorite things to do....have Dylan say "All done" on que. He has also said "ouch" and "hot" on occasion as well. So much fun!
Lucas has not yet said anything other then the occasional "dada" or "mama" (usually only the mama when he is extremely upset :) ). But, he is definitely our more motor skills guy. He has always been the one to crawl first, sit up first, etc. and now it looks like he is also going to be the one to walk first as well. Teage and I are so excited about it...every chance we get we have him stand up and put out our hands for him to walk to us. He has now taken four steps on record....we will see what he does next! :)
Dylan trying desperatly to take his sunglasses off! Thanks for the adorable outfits Aunt Cathy!
Lucas was a little confused about why things got very dark all of a sudden
On our one very hot day this year, we decided to take the boys out for a little water time. They really were not sure how to take it, but I think ended up having a good time.

So, if you don't know already, I have extremely intelligent boys (not that I am biased or anything). I found them both in my bathroom the other day, trying to put my headbands on their own heads. I never showed them how to do that...they just figured it out from seeing me. How clever they are!


Casey said...

They are getting so big! I think they are pretty smart too. I love the pictures of them with the headbands!

Bailey Bunch said...

I love the head band shots! Those are great! I also love your little guys!:)

Karine said...

I am glad that the boys are in touch with their feminine side. There is just way to much Testosterone in your home!
Love ya Reesers!

Erin & Teeny said...

They are so cute! I love the updated pictures, I know we see them often... but we don't get to see them in headbands. :) You are such a great Mom and I love you tons!!