Sunday, January 4, 2009

Snow Days

This winter we have seen a record for snow fall around Seattle. Most people in colder parts of the country think that we are such wimps around here....closing school with an inch of snow on the ground, hunkering down in our homes and not wanting to drive. :) However, our snow is a bit different then most other parts of the country. We have mainly ice on the roads as opposed to dry snow, and there are lots of nice big hills for cars to slide right down. :) This year has been a big one for the snow fall...not my favorite thing in the world. I have had a few bad experiences with cars and snow, so I tend to stay at home when there is white stuff on the roads. We actually ended up not being able to see a lot of our family on Christmas Day because we literally could not get our car out of the driveway...there was about two feet of snow all along our alley in the back of our house. So we made the best of our Christmas with just our little family, played in the snow for quite a while, then had good ol chicken nuggets for dinner (the boys' favorite). :) The missionaries from our ward walked over on Christmas Day as well, and helped Teage build a giant snow fort in the front yard. I think they all had a great time. All in all, not exacly the Christmas that we were planning on having, but definitely one to remember. :) I hope that you all had a beautiful and wonderful holiday!

The boys getting all ready to brave the snow

The missionaries building giant snowballs in their nice clothes and ties

Teage standing in the first part of the snow fort

Sweet Lucas

Sweet Dylan

The finished fort with all the "boys"


Karine said...

That snow fort rocks! I bet Corey wishes he could have helped create it with his friend!
I sure miss you guys. I hope you are staying safe and warm!

Peter and Lesha said...

you are so lucky to be surrounded by suck happy fun people, I love that teage takes time to play and get dirty and wet:) those are great pictures