Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday D and L!!!!

We had such a fun time with the boys for their birthday this year. They only turned 2, so they still don't quite understand the concept of celebrating, or even what a birthday is all about, but they had fun anyway! For their present from Mommy and Daddy, Teage and I took them to their very first Mariner's Game. The week before, we were getting them excited about it, showing them the game on TV, and talking about baseball. But, I have a feeling we didn't even need to do that much! They had a blast! I was so surprised how long they lasted (we made it 7 innings), and they are STILL talking about it to this day. Especially my little sports guy, Dylan. Every once in a while in the middle of a conversation he will just yell out "run base!" and "baseball game!"....he just loved it.

Both of the boys snacked on junk, watched the game, and yelled with all of the rest of the fans "GO Mariners!"....we had a fabulous time!

The next day was their actual birthday, and we had a big open house party at our house to celebrate. I was thinking an open house would be great because then people could come and go and our house wouldn't be too packed at any given time. But boy was I surprised! Not that we didn't have fun, we had a blast! It was just very busy and kids all over the place. :) The boys were a bit confused about why there were so many people there, but I think ended up having fun with their family and friends. My great friend, Lindsay, and I made Veggie Tales cakes for the boys as well, "Bob and Larry!" which they just loved. Lindsay did the Larry cake, which turned out awesome! And alas, Bob was mine....I know I know, not the best in the world. But we had a lot of fun trying!

Overall, the boys had a fun week with friends and family, ate way too much sugar, and had a little bit of a toy overload....but, we had a great time. I can't believe my boys are 2 already. Time sure flies, especially with two very active boys. I love them so much and am so thankful for the opportunity to be their mom. I can already tell what sweet spirits they have, and love them more and more everyday.

Happy Birthday Dylan and Lucas!


Suzanne said...

happy birthday dylan and lucas! it's hard to believe they're already two! we should totally go to a mariners game together sometime, blake LOVES it too!

Bridget said...

What fun cakes! I didn't even see those at the party. You had so many people in your back yard and the food was FABULOUS! Thanks for a great party.

Tawna said...

Love you! XOXO, Maiya yioo9k0oio ljlyllkli


Karine said...

What a fun and crazy fiasco! Wish we could have been there to celebrate! We sure love those sweet boys...