Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sleep or no sleep.....

The boys have decided that they do not want to take naps just over two years old. Hoorey for me! :)
Any ideas of how to help these boys settle down and sleep? Remember, I have two two-year olds in the same room (though still in cribs), already have black out fabric on the windows, and have tried EVERYTHING that I can think of to get them to go to bed!!!! Any suggestions?????????

My little angels....


SusGus said...

My only suggestion is don't give up too easily. Both my kids have gone through weeks when it appeared that napping was over, only to go back to it after 1-2 weeks, and then continue to nap for several more months. You can best judge if they still need it, but it may be a battle for a little while. We've also had mixed success with "quiet time" - it can be a challenge for the first 4 months while the child gets the hang of playing quietly on their own. Good luck!

Unknown said...

All of my kids have stopped taking naps at about 2 1/2 years. Try getting them big boy beds. I know when we made the switch from crib to bed they slept better and would take naps. Good luck!

Zack + Julie said...

Kale goes down for his naps much better when I read to him first... it's sort of similar to his bedtime routine... maybe that would help? Doing something similar to their bedtime routine or starting a naptime routine?

Kelly said...

My both quit naps at about that age :( The only thing that started to work was I would run them around like crazy all morning, settle them with a book on the couch around 2:30 and they'd fall asleep sitting up! I've got many a picture with a poor little child who looked almost headless from sleep! Good luck!

The Brown's said...

I truly hope that they start taking naps's still a life saver for me during the afternoon. We just did the switch to Abby's toddler bed this weekend, and I was worried about her nap routine changing. But, she loves to climb into bed all by herself, and even falls asleep a lot faster instead of playing & talking for a while. Keep trying though; my bet is that they still need it. Maybe take them out one morning and get them really exhausted...even if they don't get a nap. I'm sure they'll want it the next day. Good luck with it!

Karine said...

They still totally need their naps, as do you need them to nap! They just don't know they need it! I recommend reading your Bible (aka Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child) and it will help you through this hump.
Hang in there, and in the mean time, invest in some ear plugs!
Love ya twinner!

Janell said...

Hey Erin! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I can't get over how big your boys are. They are adorable! You have such a cute family! I'm sorry to hear about the nap thing. Same thing happened to me with my around the same age. However, I found out it was a phase. After 2-3 weeks or so, she started napping again. Hopefully it will be the same for you! Good luck!


Bridget said...

Try putting them in separate rooms, too. Elliott and Jett rarely go to sleep if they enter their room at the same time. Often we'll put one on our bed and leave the other in their own bed. Then they can settle down.

Elliott is now in all day kindergarten. They take a 20 or 30 minute nap in the middle of the day. What's fabulous is that Elliott comes home like a little angel and he used to be the cranky monster. Even at 4 a little nap goes a long way. I didn't think he'd nap at school but all the teacher had to do was tell him to bring a blanket from home. He thinks that's exciting.

Maybe it could work with you, too. The boys could have a special nap blanket that they love and ONLY get it for naps. That would make it an exciting and cozy time.