Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Good Ol Days

I love looking back on those good ol days of college. Way too much fun, and not enough studying. I had a fabulous group of friends back then, one of which I eventually married. :) We had so much fun together, laughing all the time, always thinking up one great activity after another. One of those good friends, Bridget, who is quite a talented writer I dare say, wrote this little ditty after a dance one night. Isn't she hilarious? Hope you enjoy....
A Toast To My Pal Erin:

The two boys questioned each other,
"Hey! You an' me? You an' me?"
As they surrounded you with dancing grooves.
It's all bump and grind, lacking the sublime.
The typically timid lawyer guy stopped his gyration
When you demanded, "what are you doing?"
His twinkling eyes shifted from you,
To his cohort, and then back at you with confidence.
Over the pounding bass Legal Weasel blurted out,
"I'm the Engergizer Bunny, an' I got the gift that keeps on givin'!"
Your eyebrows raised in disbelief. "Are you for real?"

Erin Parkinson,
May all your Friday nights
Be full of memories to laugh about
And cry over


Amelia Doherty said...

Oh my gosh! Was that your number from the dorms? Or the house with Mon? I'm having a flashback because I totally recognize it! Miss you Erin! Hjhjhj!

Bridget said...

Thanks for your kind words. I can't even remember that guy's name. I do remember howling in laughter about the Energizer Bunny comment. I mean seriously. h aha hhahahahha

Coleman Family said...

Man I miss those college days! That poem is a crack-up! Good old Bridget!!!