Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mommy's Little Helpers

No secret that I have been pretty useless the past few weeks. Thankfully I am recovering well, but I really haven't been able to be very productive...which is a difficult thing for someone like me who has everything scheduled, and is constantly "doing" something. :) However, my boys have been a tremendous, whether they realize it or not. They keep my spirits up (huge!), and even try to help me with my crutches and other knee measures I have to take now-adays. They are such bright spots in my day. And I am so very grateful for those who have come over to help with day to day tasks, as well as brought dinners for our family. I could not have gone through this process without any of you. THANK YOU!
Just a few shots of the boys helping me the past few weeks....they were pretty proud of themselves! :)

I know these last ones are a little hard to figure out....this is my first attempt at going downstairs after the surgery (probably about a week after), and the boys are helping me by "pushing" me down the stairs. It was pretty sweet actually. :)


Kim said...

EP!! AWH those pics are precious!!! Not so much that you have a bum knee right now, but how cute the boys are with their mommy! SO CUTE, and so BIG!! ;) So EXCITED I get to see you this weekend! We'll get ya out of the house for sure, even if we need to use a wheel chair at the store or something! :) Love ya!

Karine said...

Your boys are too sweet. The last couple pictures look as though they are attempting to help you over a cliff! Love it!

manders said...

That is so adorable that your boys are the ones helping you down the stairs. Glad you have such great support. love ya lots