Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had such a fabulous Christmas this year! The boys finally started understanding what the lights, presents, crazy tree in the middle of the room was all about. We talked a lot about Christmas being a day to celebrate Jesus' birthday, and they even started getting this whole story about Santa. :) It is such a joy to see the holidays through the eyes of a child, and I feel so blessed to have two little men to make me even more excited! We did quite a few fun things as a family to celebrate, like making gingerbread houses, going to snowflake lane at Bellevue Square, drove around to look at Christmas lights, etc. Teage and I just had a blast watching the boys' faces when they saw a lot of "LIGHTS!!!"...I think that was their favorite part. And having a Grandpa that has about 50,000 lights on his house definitely helps a lot too!!!! :)

Some fabulous Christmas highlights.....we spent a great day with my mom's side of the family for the Bailey Family Christmas party. A lot of my mom's family doesn't live in Washington, and everyone came up this year for the festivities, so we had a blast. The boys got to play with their "cousins", they decorated cookies, we opened a huge amount of presents, it was so much fun!

This was actually on Christmas morning. The boys woke up to Santa having come and dropped a few presents for them along his way, including a brand new kitchen (which Teage and I found at Goodwill for 99 cents....the deal of the century!). They absolutely loved it and wouldn't stop playing even for their stockings! Papa Christensen and Auntie Sunni were there with us also, which was really fun.

Christmas Eve at Tutu and Poppi's house.....they LOVED their Mater bags. The boys had so much fun with their aunts and uncles making cookies, opening presents, and eating as much as possible!

Later on Christmas Day with Grammy and Papa. The boys are obsessed with baseball and they got new Mariner's blankets for their present! They absolutely loved them! But, I actually think their favorite part of the day was helping everyone else open their presents.....
We just had so much fun with all of our family and friends this year. What a blessed year we have had. I love this time of year also where we can look back and remember all of the amazing experiences we have had as a family. I am so blessed to have all three of my beautiful boys with me everyday. Though I am sure that I don't fully appreciate each of them everyday, I truly feel like such a lucky girl to have so many amazing loves in my life.

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