Saturday, January 2, 2010

Big Boy Beds

So, Teage and I decided to take the plunge and put the boys in their "big boy" beds. We have been putting this off as long as possible, but since Lucas decided he wanted to climb out of his crib every day for the week before Christmas, we thought that this was the time. :) So, "Santa" brought their beds for them for Christmas. We were a bit nervous about this change for quite a while, but thankfully, the boys have been doing fabulously! We did put up rails on the side so they wouldn't fall out, you have never seen two boys that were so wiggly while they slept. But, they can get in and out all by themselves to which they think is the coolest thing in the world! :) And they have been doing great so far. It takes them a while to nap now, because they are so excited about their beds, but they don't get out! They even stay in their beds in the mornings until we go get them. Love it! So, we are thankful so far. And hopefully it will stay this amazing!!

D and L in their new PJ's, with their new Mariner's blankets, in their new big boy beds (well....Lucas' in this picture anyway)!

Christmas pictures to follow soon....

Also, I have started a little movie review blog (which will make perfect sense to all of you who know me way too well. :) ) If you would like to see it, it is on the sidebar -------> labelled "The Diaper Review".....let me know what you think. :)


Simon Tribe -ooh ha haa said...

I love hearing how they entertain themselves! "Winding up for the pitch!...." "My turn! Shake shake shake, AGGHHHHH!"

Karine said...

I am glad it is going so smoothly with the transition. Nonetheless, I am keeping my boy in a crib till he is 12! I love keeping him contained!!

Erin & Teeny said...

They were so excited about showing us their beds, they are so cute!! I love that you stop to listen to all the adventures they have together, they'll love hearing about it later. You are such an awesome Mom!!