Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tagged- Yikes! :)

It turns out that I have now been tagged by a few, I figured that I couldn't ignore it anymore. :) I guess that we are supposed to write some interesting facts about ourselves, and then tag a few more people.....and on we go. Don't get too excited though, I am really not the most interesting person in the world, and since I don't have much time, I probably will only write little blurbs instead of full on paragraphs. :) Don't fall asleep on me!
1) I am obsessive when it comes to organization. I can't help it, if something is out of place, I will usually move it. If I have enough time, and my boys aren't screaming at me, I will probably organize or file something. I also like things clean, and hate clutter! I am not sure how I got this way, but it is a habit that has definitely sunk in big time! Almost to the point of a compulsive disorder!
2) The way to my heart: Movies and chocolate. I like nothing better then to watch a great movie, and eat any kind of chocolate I can get my hands on. I am also obsessed with buying the pre-viewed movies from blockbuster....4 movies for $20, can't beat it!!!
3) I am prone to very odd injuries. Broke my arm by stepping on a rock and it rolled, broke my wrist roller blading in the kitchen, tore my miniscus turning in a chair.... and then again uncrossing my legs, fell off my bike just steps away from my house and had to have stiches, braces, etc.
4) I can be pretty emotional at times. I definitely will cry at sad or romantic movies, but I may also cry at various TV shows, and even the occasional commercial. I know, pathetic!
5) While in school, I was obsessed with getting a 4.0GPA. Anything less then an A, and I would go crazy! Maybe it has something to do with my obsessive compulsive nature!

6) One of my life goals is to publish a book of photography.
7) I love having an occasion to celebrate anything....holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. I would love to be able to throw a party for President's Day even, if I had the time! :)
So, there you go. I know, terribly exciting! Now that you learned a little more about me, I think that I will tag Sarah R and Lesha O. :) Have fun!


Wendy said...

It's so nice to learn more about you!! You are not boring at all!!

Karine said...

Thank you for repyly to the tag, you were only 5 months late. I have been waiting eagerly by my computer for you to finally post this! :)
Reesers, you forgot to mention that you were only one away from salutatorian! Whats up with that! You need to stop being so humble!
You are terribly interesting, and that is why I adore you!
Love ya twinner-roo!