Sunday, August 10, 2008

Remotes, Phones, and Bonks

So, the boys are obsessed with anything that has to do with technology at the moment. They whine and scream when they see one of our cell phones out, they want to be holding a remote in their hands every minute possible, and though I don't let them near the computer, they would love nothing more then to pound on those keys as long as possible. I am not sure where they get their love for technology, but there it is.
Their other favorite at the moment is dancing. When they are in a really bad mood, or hurt in some way, all I have to do is turn on a song with a nice beat and they are up and moving. What is really funny is when I let them have the remotes to the radio and CD player....they love nothing more then to change the songs themselves (though they dont exactly know what buttons to push) and do a new little dance whenever a new one comes on. Dylan is a master at "getting low" as he bends his knees almost to the ground while shacking his arms. Lucas mainly loves to do a little "shimmy" with his hips and flail his arms in the air. It is so adorable to watch!
And, Teage and my personal favorite....the "bonks". I am not sure how Teage came up with this one, but the other day he told Dylan to give his brother a "bonk" (as a sign of love I guess), so Dylan went over and hit his forehead to his brother's head. So now, we "bonk" whenever we need to make up or say that we are sorry. The best is when they do it to their grandparents or aunts and uncles! They think they are just hilarious! I guess that is how we show love in the Christensen household!

You can't really tell in this picture, but Dylan actually has both mine and Teage's cell phones, one in each hand. He is talking on the one and holding the other just in case. :)

Dancing to their favorite show on TV....the "Ellen" show! Every time they hear her theme music come on, they start busting a move!

Changing the song choice on the CD player...or trying to at least

Giving "bonks" to Daddy and brother

1 comment:

Simon Tribe -ooh ha haa said...

Okay, you are so thorough - with the pictures to back up the description! The only thing better would be a video!!!! I love the pictures of them dancing to Ellen and working the remotes!!! They are too cute!!!