Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tagged...very quicky version :)

So, I decided that I couldn't put this off any longer. :) I have now been tagged three times, and figured that it was high time I got to it. I guess in a tag you are supposed to put 5 interesting facts about you, or something to that effect. So, I am doing a major quicky version before my boys wake up from their nap and start screaming to pound on the keyboard! :)

1) My husband calls me a recycle nazi. I just can't bare to see something that can be reused go into the trash! It is just not right!
2) I am obsessed about seatbelts. Even if I am driving to my friends' houses that are a few blocks away (why am I driving anyway?), I will put on my seatbelt. And I always make Teage put his on as well....I know, naggy wife. Better safe then sorry!
3) I can, and probably will, organize just about everything. If I had the time, I am sure that every drawer in my closet would be organized and sorted just so.
4) It seems that I have a talent for singing out of the windows in a car....
5) I have wonderful friends and family whom I love very much, and don't know where I would be without them. I love all of you!

1 comment:

Bailey Bunch said...

I am a witness to the singing out the window. "SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE!" Classic Erin moment!:)