Wednesday, May 16, 2012

10 Months

Little Miss E has now decided that she is old enough to let go of the couch and try to stand on her own. She can pretty much hold herself up, the big girl. And some of her favorites at 10 months are crawling and chasing after her brothers around the fireplace in the center of the room, eating anything "grown up", and being a part of EVERYTHING happening in the house. The minute she hears her brothers in the morning she refuses to eat and squirms out of my grasp to get to them asap. She is still very stranger anxious and will hold onto Mommy as long as she can if around people she doesn't know well. She has a hard time letting anyone else hold her. And she already wants to let go of her second nap during the day. Yikes....of course I would have my third baby not want to sleep, ever! :)

Here are some adorable pictures of her and her brothers on Easter this year, which just happened to be on her 10 month birthday. :)

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