Tuesday, May 22, 2012

E is 11 Months!

I can't believe Miss Emery is 11 months old!!!! Only a month away from a year! I am not ready!!! :)

Right now she is so close to walking, she is standing up all on her own, and practically running around the ottoman and chairs. :) She also saying "Mama" and "Dada", though I think Mama is both for me and for more food. :) She is waving ByeBye, smiles all the time, loves to laugh and have fun, and is fiercely independent. She loves to eat big people food, is about done with baby food, and is signing "all done" when she is finished. One of her other favorite things to do is dance! Every time a song comes on she starts bobbing her head and wiggling. It really is adorable. We love this little girl, she brings such joy and happiness in all of our lives. She truly is a light to all of our lives and we love her tremendously. She is pretty darn adorable too! Still has blue eyes!

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