Saturday, January 2, 2016

End of the School Year!

End of the first year of preschool for Miss E!!!! She had such a wonderful group of friends in her little class, and the best teacher ever, Mrs Hammer! They even had a little graduation ceremony and everything! She already can't wait to go back next year!
In the picture: Evie, Ellery, Emery, Katie, Willow, Boston, and Hudson

The boys second grade class was a ton of fun this year. They had some wonderful friends in their class, and a strict but fabulous teacher in Ms Barry. She really pushed the boys to do their best, and it really showed. They were sad to end the year honestly, I think they really loved their 2nd grade year. 

Ms Barry even gave each of the kids an award for their last day of school, highlighting each of their strengths and accomplishments throughout the year. It was a great little ceremony! Lucas was the "Daring Dancer" and Dylan was the "Bomb at Baseball".....which of course they both loved!

And of course after school was over, we PLAYED!!! The next few days were filled with fun, being silly, bowling, and just running around playing in the backyard. Loved it!

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