Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Birthday

Februaries are always very fun-filled, but a bit stressful at times as well. Lots going on in a small amount of time. :) So after Teage's birthday, Valentine's Day, Mid-Winter Break, and more, I just felt a little beat. But thankfully, I have a wonderful family and friends who love me, and I was able to have a fun birthday as well. I had a few celebrations actually, which was really great for me!! :) And even though Miss E had the stomach flu over my actual birthday, we still had a great time!
We did a birthday dinner at Grammy's house a few days before my birthday, which was really fun. We ate dinner, played with the kiddos, and she made me a favorite gingerbread cake!! So yummy!
Then my mom made dinner on my birthday night, and the two of us were able to go to a play for a girls night out! I had not been to one in so long, it was really a treat! We have an awesome playhouse in Issaquah that always does the greatest productions, and it did not disappoint yet again. So much fun!!!!
I also got to hang out with my best buddy Lindsay (always fun!) and go to get my nails done with my great friend Kris. All in all, a fabulous few days! I am so thankful for the wonderful friends and family in my life who always brighten my day!!!!

 I think the favorite part for the boys was decorating all of the cupcakes!!! :)

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