Wednesday, January 2, 2013


My sweet and loving Grandfather passed away a few months ago, but I haven't had the chance to write something about him quite yet. It always amazes me at the impact one person can have in the life of another. I have felt those impacts keenly recently as some of my family members have passed. And though I am saddened to not have them physically with me anymore, I can always reflect on all that they taught me and continue to teach and guide me. I have some pretty amazing and special memories with these beautiful people. 
Grandpa Bailey was such a positive example in my life, I loved being around him.
He passed on September 29th 2012, but will be remembered always. Grandpa Bailey was a caring and generous person. His grandchildren were some of the highlights in his life, and I always knew it. I remember sitting with him reading a book in the "TV" room, always trying to steal his rocking chair so I could rock and eat cheerios :), having Christmas Eve at his home with the whole family and presents that practically filled the whole room, giving him wrapped up crayons for his Christmas present one year, and so much more. Grandpa always love me, and I knew it. I loved him too. He was a wonderful example to me of love and kindness, of being quiet when you needed to be quiet, and to speak up when you needed to speak up. He was not a religious man, but somehow always had this amazing inner moral compass, and treated everyone he met with love and respect. Grandpa was a high school Spanish teacher, and was beloved of all of his students throughout the years. I used to love to hear his stories about school, and the students he was privileged to teach. I felt like he never lacked true patience. What an amazing man. 
I must have only been 5 or 6 in this picture....
I love you Grandpa, and I miss you!

1 comment:

Tawna said...

I think it's amazing the things we value most really aren't things. They are the people we LOVE. I know I don't miss things, I miss my loved ones and the memories and joy they bring into life. Thanks for sharing this about your sweet Grandpa, Erin! Hugs! (Ok, thanks, now I'm crying. Geez.)