Sunday, January 6, 2013

Such a Good Daddy

Today, I am extremely thankful for a husband who is such a wonderful father to our children. Having twins was no picnic, especially at the very beginning of their sweet lives. So, it was so comforting to me to know that I had a husband who was there 100%, and would swoop in whenever I needed him. He has continued over the years to show his true loving character with all three of our children, and I am so thankful and grateful for that. This morning he dressed the boys for church like only he knew how, and they were adorable. He loves playing games and being silly with all of them, like he is here with Emery:

But he also knows how to be serious, or supportive, or a good listener for our children as well. They all adore him, as do I. 
Thank you babe for  being such a wonderful and beautiful father. I am forever grateful for your example and love you show them and me, every day.

1 comment:

Teage said...

Thank you for making my day mi vida. I love my two eternal title more than anything; husband and father. These are easy when I have my best friend by my side.